First of all, let me make it clear that the Wingfeather Trilogy, of which this book is numbered, consists of four (4) books. Therefore it is no longer referred to as the Wingfeather Trilogy, but the Wingfeather Saga.
I'm mixed in my feelings about this. I was so looking forward to the third book and the exciting conclusion of the tale of the Wingfeather children, the Jewels of Anniera. When I reached the end of this book, I was delighted to find a fourth book would follow. I often wish a particularly good piece of literature (and this is definitely a good piece of literature) would not end, and I could continue to enjoy the characters and their efforts to come out victorious. So now I have it. I can continue, but I must endure the torture of the long wait between book 3 and book 4.
And now I am informed that the Wingfeather Saga has always been Saga and never been Trilogy, so all this angst and delight that has permeated my life has nothing to do with Saga vs. Trilogy, because the confusion was all in my head and in my head alone.
Now I am not saying that reading the extraordinary prose of Andrew Peterson messes with your mind. But when you have to deal with toothy cows, Gnag the Nameless, and the Fangs of Dang, some weaker minds may reveal the strain by a breakdown in reality.
Oh, and the Monster in the Hollows isn't who you might think it is. I was delighted to find out I didn't guess correctly until the end. See? More delight. This is a book you really should read.
More tomorrow.
Visit the sites listed below for more delight today.
Book link
Series Web site
Author’s Web site
Participants’ links
Gillian Adams
Red Bissell
Jennifer Bogart
Thomas Clayton Booher
Beckie Burnham
CSFF Blog Tour
D. G. D. Davidson
Cynthia Dyer
Amber French
Nikole Hahn
Ryan Heart
Timothy Hicks
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Shannon McDermott
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Mirriam Neal
* Eve Nielsen
Joan Nienhuis
Donita K. Paul
Sarah Sawyer
Chawna Schroeder
Tammy Shelnut
Kathleen Smith
Donna Swanson
Rachel Starr Thomson
Robert Treskillard
Fred Warren
Phyllis Wheeler
Nicole White
Rachel Wyant
In conjunction with the CSFF Blog Tour, I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, or I ordered it from The Rabbit Room. I can't remember which.
5 months ago
I really need to read the rest of these. I've had the first one for years but never gotten around the getting the others. Although maybe I've been saving myself a bit of tortue this way! ;)
I love this series! I'm not as far into the series as you, but I'm excited that there is a fourth!
I was actually under the impression that there would be five books, so finding out that number four will be the last was sad to me. But there you go, it's all in the head.
Yes, Donita, I agree, this is fine literature!
I didn't guess, either, Donita. Andrew did a good job keeping the ending a secret. And I'm glad there's a fourth book as well!
I was wondering about that trilogy/saga stuff, since I had no preconceived notions but have heard rumours around this blog tour that it was originally going to be a trilogy. Thanks for, er, clearing that up :).
I loved the twist on the title as well!
And I like your disclaimer :). I keep forgetting to add those (technically, as a Canadian I don't have to). Oops.
Really amazing and lovely sharing. I love to read books and I will read this too.
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