It's hard to believe that it's been ten years since Donita K. Paul made her first foray into fantasy. Ten years since Kale Allerion embarked on a quest to find the rare and precious dragon eggs. Ten years since she began her journey of discovering the depth of Wulder. Ten years since we met Gymn, Metta and the host of other minor dragons that have crawled into our hearts.
Ten years since DragonSpell, book 1 of the DragonKeeper Chronicles, hit the bookshelves spreading the magic of Amara to readers of all backgrounds and interests!
And you know what?
We would love it if you'd celebrate with us!
Let us know in the comments section how DragonSpell has impacted your life. What's your favorite part? Who's your favorite character? Who told you about it in the first place?
To commemorate this milestone, we're giving away ten dragon pendant necklaces! Scroll down to enter for your chance to win.
Giveaway ends JANUARY 16TH @ 12:00 AM.
Giveaway ends JANUARY 16TH @ 12:00 AM.
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Here's a sample of what they'll look like. Pretty cool, huh? |
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Secondly, in case you haven't heard, Donita K. Paul has a brand new, sci-fi/fantasy adventure coming out on January 28th! One Realm Beyond follows the stories of two young realm walkers, Cantor D'Ahma and Bixby D'Mazeline, as they both seek what Primen would have them do with their futures. With a universe steeped in a corruption that had priorly gone unnoticed, their paths may lead them to people or places they never expected.
One Realm Beyond has a cast of colorful characters (including a dragon who shapeshifts into inanimate objects!), a brand-new world separate from Amara and the themes and messages of spiritual growth that we've come to love from Donita K. Paul's tales. We hope this book will come to be as beloved as DragonSpell!
Check it out at the end of the month! Or even...pre-order from any of these sellers: | Barnes and Noble | Christian Books
Can not wait for this next series of books! I'm ready for a new adventure!
My friend Mary Agius introduced me to DragonSpell. We had a great time reading it with a group of young people doing a book club.
Happy 10th Anniversary! I really enjoyed that book.
Still surprised it's been ten whole years since Dad handed me the first Chronicle... <3 Best adventure of the entire year that year!
I havent read this but clearly looks like I am missing out!
I can't believe its been 10 years! I think I just bought this book one day...way back then...and I've been in love with the series ever since. I also got my sister to read them. We named some of our cats after the dragons. :)
I love everything!
I love the Dragon Keeper Chronicles so much I named two of my cats Gymn and Ardeo!!
Found the series at the library..I have checked the series out many times and have enjoyed reading then just as much as the first time! One day I will own the series and share it with my daughter when she grows older!
Favorite moment: hopefully I won't be giving a spoiler, but definitely the kiss ... It was sweet, unique by incorperating the fantasy world-based abilities of Amaran people and I had been waiting for it for two years!
Congrats on 10 years! I discovered the series in my library. By the end of DragonSpell, I was sold ... By the end of DragonQuest, Kale, Toopka, Regidor, and Bardon had turned me into a lifelong fan of Mrs. Paul's books. Then I was left awaiting DragonKnight ... So I think it was fall 2005, when I first read them ...
Kale is one of my favorite fantasy heroines ... She's can hold her own, but is also vulnerable. Her frustrations and origin of unlikely or reluctant hero made her very relatable to me and other teenage girls (and other readers). The biggest impact DKC had on me was leading me to discover other contemporary Christian fantasy novels/authors. I had read and loved the Chronicles of Narnia as a girl, but in high school I didn't know the Christian fantasy genre existed until I read these books!
Definitely check out her new series! (At least, I hope it's a series ... I didn't see any other books on the publisher's website) Cantor and Bridger are wonderful together (even if he disagrees) and Bixby is a dear. All the great world building and whimsical characters you've come to expect from Mrs. Paul. I enjoyed the ARC a lot and am in the process of writing a review. :D
I loved this series! The characters and setting drew me in and I've enjoyed sharing the love with my husband and sons as well! Hard to believe it's been 10 years already! Can't wait to read her new series too!
I love DKC! My favorite moments are pretty much any time a minor dragon hatched. They are so cute and I seriously wish they were real! Another favorite moment (not in the books, but related to it) was when my older sister and I read them outloud to our little sister. The DKC books helped her start to read on her own and all of my siblings love DKC (even my brother who's not an avid reader). Congrats to Mrs. Paul on DragonSpell's 10th Anniversary! :)
I've loved fantasy and fairy-tale stories since I was a little child. When I discovered a couple years ago that there is actually a growing genre of Christian Fantasy I was giddy. Mrs. Paul's DragonSpell was the first Christian Fantasy novel I read. I've read both of her series set in Amara and Chiril along with other Christian Fantasy series I've found along the way.
My favorite quote from these series is "Say to night 'I have stick!'."
My favorite character would have to be Kale! Or the minor dragons... I really LOVE the minor dragons and I'm not sure why :) My favorite scene would have to be.. Oh, there are so many of them! I love all of the scenes when the minor dragons are born!
I loved the dragon keeper chronicles. My favorite part of the series was how God's truth was woven into the story. It was an especially healing story to enjoy after some personal loss I suffered beforehand.
This is one of my all time favorite series. It came to me at a time in my life that I was struggling to cling to my faith. It reminded me of the Lord's love for me and motivated me to carry on in His kingdom. Thank you so much for this series. I think my favorite moment was in the first book when Kale first meets with Paladin and he asks her if she wants to choose to follow him. That chapter touched a deep place in my heart.
It's been seven or eight years since I discovered DragonSpell on a shelf at my local Christian book store. I quickly read through the ones available, waiting rather impatiently for the last book to come out. I think I *squee*-ed when I read the first sentence of DragonFire, and squee-ed again when I finished DragonLight. I so love the whole story with Kale. She was such an inspiration to me when I was in my early teenage years. Hehe, she still is sometimes. :)
I love this series. Our family will be reading it for years to come. Donita K. Paul is one very special person. The online chats are invaluable. We're so grateful for the work you are doing, Mrs. Paul!
The Dragon Keeper Chronicles has helped me grow closer to God. I love reading about Kale and her journeys. I relate to Kale in so many ways. I love Dragon Keeper Chronicles
I love the books and have read them over and over. I even read them all to my little sister!
Happy Anniversary! Your books are awesome and I can't wait for what you do next. Thank you for your wonderful books.
Congratulations Donita! I love the Dragon Keeper Chronicles!
I first discovered DragonSpell while browsing at our local public library. My favorite part is when Granny Kye is arrested for accidentally stealing. Lady Lyll Allerion is my favorite character.
Too many moments to pick just one! Love quiet times with with Paladin and Kale's parents.
Th Dragon Keeper Chronicles means so much to me. And there are so many wonderful moments throughout that it makes it difficult to pick just one moment and name that my favorite. The relationship between Kale and Bardon, their marriage and when they have Pen. Their whole story is my favorite part because that is the kind if relationship and marriage I want and pray to have with my husband, whenever I get married
I've read all the Dragon Keeper Chronicles books and my favorite parts are the dragons hatching.
I recently discovered the DragonKeeper Chronicles, and with my long "to read" list, I haven't gotten to them yet. :(
Dragonspell was my first introduction into religious fantasy and since then I have never looked back. The characters are written in such a wonderful way that though they live in another land their lives can reflect and mirror ours. In every book I have found parts of the book that I think "I have to remember that!" because it describes, explains or illustrates some part of the Christian faith that can easily be shared and is accessible to non believers.
Happy Birthday DragonSpell!!!
Congrats on celebrating 10 years for DragonSpell! When my sister first saw this book, she thought it looked like an interesting read. After she read it, she recommended that all her siblings (old enough to read, of course) read it, too. So we did. And we absolutely LOVE all of the books! Thank you, Mrs. Paul, for providing some good books for us in this very lacking world of excellent literature.
Started reading this book not that long ago. It's awesome so far!
I remember when I found the Dragon Keeper series. I was in a Audio Book store for the first time. I was looking for the latest Stephen King book on cd. I don't remember which Dragon Keeper book was in the new release rack at that time, but I looked at it and put it back. After another twenty minutes of walking around the store looking at all the books I found Dragonspell and the other book I was looking for. Seven hours later I was glad I picked up Dragonspell, and was ready for the rest of the series. Thank you Donita for such a great books
I started reading it while at summer camp one year and loved the first one do bought the second one as well. My favorite characters are kale and bardon
This was my first encounter with Christian fantasy and I've never been the same since.... all other fantasy books--Christian or non-Christian--I subconsciously compare with your series. The writing, clean content, thrilling adventures, and lovable characters have all stayed with me during my reading experiences. Thanks for writing such a great series!!!!
OMG! This is so cool!! And it's my Birthday too! Lol
Mrs. Paul, your books have been great series on my shelves, and I am very glad you have taken up the challenge of writing. My favorite DragonKeeper moment would be the very first moments in the DragonKeeper series when you brought Kale to life.
I got DragonSpell at a Christian book store. I am reading DragonKnight, now. I like the characters Bardon and Kale, quite a lot.
I was hooked from the beginning of the book, but when Kale found her first dragon egg and was surprised to find out she was a dragon keeper, THAT was amazing to experience along with her.
I love Kale discovering her ability to find eggs. And the moments when the eggs hatch. Love it!
I love all the books. I came across Dragonspell by accident at work.. one of the best accidents to ever happen to me. I love all of the books. (Spoiler alert) My favorite moment is when Kale finds out Bardon is a halfling.
I came across Dragonspell by accident at work... it was one of the best accidents to ever happen to me. I love all the books they are amazing! My favorite moment is *spoiler alert* when Kale finds out Bardon is a halfling.
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