Saturday, February 28, 2015

Ten Years of DragonQuest + Giveaway!

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Happy 10th Birthday, DragonQuest!!

Last year we celebrated ten years of DragonSpell, and this year we get to celebrate ten years of DragonQuest! Because, really, if there's a reason to party it would be a waste to throw that away, right? (And brace yourselves, people, because we still got three more years, three more books, and at least three more parties. ;-) )

We've teamed up with the awesome ZA over at Za's Clay Critters to bring two lucky winners their very own Ardeo and Dibl! See! See?

Spiffy, yeah?

Starting March 2nd, 2015 and running through March 10th, 2015 you can enter the giveaway below to win one! Ardeo goes to one winner and Dibl goes to another. ;-) Want both? Well...why don't you contact her at her Etsy shop and request a minor dragon? She's pretty cool, if we do say so ourselves.

Be sure to check out her blog and Pinterest page!

In the last ten years we've watched readers of the DragonKeeper Chronicles grow up. A lot can happen in that amount of time and we've been fortunate (as we've said before!) to have the most amazing fanbase ever. If you think of it, please take the time to introduce the next generation to the Dragonkeeper Chronicles. The beautiful thing about stories and age is that while we grow and change...the story remains the same, waiting for another curious reader to stumble across its pages. Perhaps this new reader will grow up with the pages, or perhaps they will have a thought they'd never considered before that helps shape their worldview.

If the DragonKeeper Chronicles has touched you in a manner that helped shape you today--share it with the people you love or even the kids of the people you love!

Thank you, as always, everyone! You're the BEST!

With love,
Donita K. Paul & DKPWebmaster

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Stop #31

Welcome to the Autumn 2014 Scavenger Hunt. You have arrived at Stop # 31. The hunt begins at noon (Mountain Time Zone) on October 17, 2014. You may have arrived here before the start which could mean all of the sites aren't ready quite yet. Once the official start has begun, you should go to Stop #1 and then work your way through the sites, gathering clues and entering bonus giveaways, until you reach the final stop which will also be on the site of Robin Lee Hatcher.

The hunt ends on Sunday, October 19, 2014 at one minute before midnight (Mountain). That means you have all of the weekend to finish it, so take your time. Enjoy reading the exclusive content the authors have prepared for you. You will collect a CLUE IN RED at each stop. Write them down as you go. At the end of the hunt, you will enter the clues into a Rafflecopter form. (The answer will make sense, even if you aren't familiar with the quote.)

The hunt is open to international entries. The grand prize is a Kindle Fire HDX. Two runners-up will receive a new release from each of the participating authors.


Robin Lee Hatcher has prepared a "cheat sheet" with direct links to each author's post in case a site goes down or a link gets broken. We hope there will be no such issues, but just in case, please make note of the URL for the Participating Authors & Stops page so you can check back and be able to complete the hunt.

And now, without further ado, I'd love to introduce you to our friend, Maureen Lang!

Say Hello to Maureen Lang!

Maureen Lang 
has loved storytelling ever since she was ten years old and would invite friends over to "write stories." They often preferred playing with Barbies, but Maureen persevered with storytelling on her own. Since then she's published thirteen novels and is introducing her very first novella, The Gift-Wrapped Bride, which is part of the 12 Brides of Christmas collection. The idea of partnering with other favorite Christian authors for a series of romances set during the holiday season reminded her of inviting friends over to write together—what could be more fun?

Heartland Christmas Brides

Thank you for visiting our Scavenger Hunt and for reading about the first Nativity Scene. A Nativity Drama plays an important part in my novella, The Gift-Wrapped Bride because my hero realizes the intent of every Nativity Scene is to soften hearts toward the miracle of Christ's birth. My hero, a reformed rascal trying to win the love of a woman who knew him only as a schoolhouse bully, tries to convince her he's changed by recruiting young troublemakers for a Christmas Pageant. Once they're transformed by God's grace, she'll see everyone deserves a second chance. God will be glorified, and my hero might just win himself a bride. That is, if the rascals he recruits will let their hearts be softened . . .

My novella is included in Heartland Christmas Brides, available now at your local Walmart, to be followed by Christmas Wedding Bell Brides and White Christmas Brides from a variety of authors offering heartwarming Christmas romances. For more information on the entire collection of the 12 Brides of Christmas, visit our website.

Or if you'd like to purchase all twelve of the novellas in e-book format, one story will be released from online booksellers every week between now and Christmas!

Interested? Check out these wonderful stories at or at Christian Book Distributors!

History of Nativity Pageants

If you're anything like me, spotting a Nativity scene during the Christmas season is becoming more and more precious as the culture around us becomes increasingly secular. I love the visual reminder of what Christmas is really all about. And guess what? This was exactly what Saint Francis of Assisi thought when he introduced the first Nativity scene way back in the year 1223. He was a man who wanted to live like Christ. So he threw off the material world and, much to the consternation of his friends and family, began roaming the countryside as a beggar. A few years later he heard a sermon that inspired him to take his faith even farther - he wanted to preach the gospel wherever he went. Eventually he founded the Franciscan Order of Friars (Friends).

At midnight mass on Christmas Eve 1223 Saint Francis introduced the first Nativity Scene. Choosing the spot in front of a cave in Greccio, Italy, he brought in people to portray the Holy Family and live animals as their humble companions. Saint Francis wanted to bring the gospel alive for worshippers who were likely illiterate, or at least trusted others to read and interpret the Bible for them. He wanted to stir their hearts so they would marvel over the simple wonder of the greatest miracle ever performed—God becoming man to save us from our sins so we can spend eternity with our perfect Creator. This vision, Saint Francis hoped, would live in their minds long after that one night.

Surely Saint Francis's hopes were blessed. Since then, Nativity scenes have been turned into pageants and dramas seen all around the world.

I know it's early to be thinking of the Christmas season, but when you see a Nativity pageant or manger this year, count it among other miracles that such a tradition has lasted nearly eight hundred years!

The Scavenger Hunt Skinny

Thanks so much for stopping by my site and participating in the new Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt. Before you move on to Stop #32, which is Maureen Lang's’s site, to pick up your next clue, be sure to write down this Stop #32 clue: SWALLOWED, AND

Also, please note: Many of the authors use Rafflecopter for their giveaways. Rafflecopter requires JavaScript to work. If you can’t see the form, please turn JavaScript on in your browser in order to enter. Rafflecopter sometimes doesn’t work on mobile devices. If you are on a mobile device and can’t see the entry form, then you’ll need to find a computer.

But Before You Go...

As a special thank you for joining in on the Scavenger Hunt, we have an extra giveaway for you! Enter below and you can win a shiny necklace from the Dragon Lady Shoppe!

There will be TWO WINNERS, a boy and a girl. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Blog Tour: My Writing Process

Welcome to the next stop on the Blog Tour: My Writing Process. You may have come here from Cheryl McKay Price's blog.   I've met Cheryl face-to-face once. Thank goodness for cyber-world where we can keep in touch.
1) Who are you? I am a grandma, mother, friend, and author. And we should put Christian in front of each of those titles. One of the things I believe is that we are called to be Christlike in all our cubbyholes, in every aspect of our lives. The endeavor to be like Christ is a goal not a given. Study of the Word, fellowship with the believers, and obedience makes walking that road much easier. 
My mom used to read her Bible and read commentaries as well. She chose commentaries that lined up with and reinforced the doctrine she followed. She was an amazing woman. I've found that I read fiction with the same intention. One might call novels parables in long form. Or, one might say that good Christian fiction is practical application of Christlike qualities in a fictional world. Either way, novels by trusted authors can help a reader recognize and walk in a deeper relationship with our very real, one and only, true and living God.
2) What are you working on?
A new fantasy trilogy! The Realm Walkers is in an entirely new world that is great fun to explore. That means I'm having fun learning about this totally different universe. Physically different, that is. The trick is to create "real, believable, interesting, and appealing" characters in a world that supplies rather a bizarre backdrop. Then, the author has to add in reasonable conflict with an occasional insurmountable obstacle. Lots of fun. 
3) How does your work differ from others of its genre?
My "stuff" is a lot lighter than much literature in the science fiction/fantasy genre. And mostly, the Christian aspect is subtle. I had a man tell me he was in the third book of The DragonKeeper Chronicles before he realized the books were built on a Christian worldview. He told me he bought the fourth book in spite of that and thought he would continue to read my work as long as I didn't try to hammer God into his soul. I hope the Holy Spirit has worked on him since. 
The marketing department once told me my fantasy was less literary than Tolkien and more subtle than Lewis. I took that to refer to mean I don't include four page descriptions forests and am not forthright in presenting the gospel.
In the first book of the Realm Walker's trilogy, One Realm Beyond, one of the themes is living today as God has put it before you and not to be always yearning for the future where "everything will be much better."
The second book Two Renegade Realms deals with acting the part you have chosen and not forgetting who you are. Part of Rejoicing Always is being actively aware that you are in the presence of God at all times. It is easier to make Bible-based decisions from that standpoint.
4) Why do you write what you do?
Probably, because I like it. I never read fantasy as an adult until I was trapped in a recliner with my foot elevated above my heart for six weeks. My teen-age son brought me The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. I think there were 6 or 7 at the time. I read them all, and at the end of the six weeks, I got up and said, "Well, that was interesting." Six months later, my mother challenged me to write something that was more of a challenge. So I tried fantasy. At first, writing DragonSpell was incredibly easy. As I learned more about the genre it gets harder. Ignorance can truly be blissful.
5) How does your writing process work?
Oh, dear. The answers to the above questions sound like I have it all together, but I don't. Not at all.
I get a seed of an idea and dive in. Either a character pops up in my imagination, and I follow him/her around until something interesting happens; or I see a scene, a backdrop, and I watch as people walk in and out until the one I want appears.
I pretty much instantly know what my main characters want and what their greatest fears are. I have to work a bit harder on the overall conflict. I usually don't know the theme until halfway or three quarters of the way through. Then I recognize it, because more likely than not, it's been there all along.
Deadlines make me sick, literally. I think it's because I'm always raising the bar, wanting to produce something stellar for my readers. I could use some lessons in relaxation, going with the flow, and relying on God. Don't you hate it when you're reading a series and you come to a  dull book? I think, "Whoa! She should have quit while she was ahead." I try not to let that happen to my readers. 
I have a weekly critique group, and these friends have saved my goose many times with their insight, encouragement, suggestions, and high standards of writing. Sometimes when I'm reading a book, I think, "This passage would never have gotten past my critters."
I have a fantastic editor and she pulls me through Writing a book is a lone endeavor with great kibitzers lurking in the wings.

Now is your chance to move on to a friend I've had for years and years. She and her family are very special to me. Take a hop herevisit Shannon McNear.

One more writer will be added within the next 24 hours. Check back to see who it is.

Monday, June 23, 2014

[June Celebration] Something Blue!

Welcome to the fourth and final week of our June Celebration Giveaway!

Thank you everyone for coming and hanging out with us over these last three weeks; we've had a blast, and we hope you've had one too! We'd also like to thank Lisa Tawn Bergren for making week three extra, extra special. :-)

For those of you who entered our "Something Borrowed" giveaway, check your inboxes over the next few days to see if you won!

Are you ready for one more giveaway? We sure hope so!

Our theme for this week is "something blue"!

You can win one of these lovely, lovely necklaces. A fairytale necklace if our winner is a lady, and a dragon's tail necklace if our winner is a gentleman! Either way, we gotcha covered.

This week's giveaway will be a little bit get as many entries as possible, you can submit a quote a day from Mrs. Paul's books for extra entry points! Please do not submit the same quote twice. It would be so cool to see a variety of what has touched your heart!

We'd love it if you'd share this last and final giveaway with all your friends. Help us to end our celebration with a bang!

Oh, and don't be a stranger! We have some fun stuff planned for July too... ;-)

Til then!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 19, 2014

[June Celebration: Something Borrowed] Who Borrows What?

There is a special joy to be had when we share what God has given us. In the spirit of borrowed things, Lisa T. Bergren and Donita K. Paul each compiled a list of the last five things borrowed from their households!  

Lisa's Last 5 Borrowed Things:
1. Our big beverage dispensers for a party
2. Our chainsaw for a Christmas tree stump
3. 4 martini glasses for a party
4. A set of my books for a sick friend to read
5. Glass plates for a party (apparently, we have ample hosting supplies!)

Mrs. Paul's Last 5 Borrowed Things:
1. Writing craft books
2. Betty Neels novels
3. Batteries (I don't expect to get them back!)
4. My good name, ha!
5. Blender

This about wraps up the "Something Borrowed" week. Thank you so much to Lisa Bergren for sharing a bit about herself, and her book with us! It sounds really awesome, and I for one am excited to look into it!

If you'd like to learn even more about the amazing person that is Lisa Tawn Bergren, check out her website at She might even be running more giveaways in the near future... ;-)

What we would like from you: 

Sometimes when we exchange things, crazy shenanigans may result in hilarious miscommunications or misuses. What are some of the things you've lent out? Do you have a fun story to share? What sort of things do people tend to ask you for?

We'd love to hear it all! And be sure to join us next week for "Something Blue"! June isn't over yet...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

[June Celebration: Something Borrowed] Don't Forget!

Don't forget to enter for your chance to win 
a copy of Lisa T. Bergren's Remnants novel
as well as other prizes! 

Haven't dropped your name in the hat yet? Head on over to the content post here!

Good-bye....and good luck.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

[June Celebration: Something Borrowed] Why a Ring?

Why the significance of the ring in Remnants

From Lisa: "In the Remnants series, each of the Ailith receive an arm band that supernaturally seals to their bicep. I imagined it in the fashion of a Celtic design, with interlocking knots, to symbolize how we’re both tied to the Maker and to his people…our lives all interwoven. When I found this sterling silver ring, I bought some as prizes to give away to some readers.

If you win, I hope it reminds you of the same things it does for my Remnants and Knights!"

[What others have to say about Remnants...]

"This book was not like most dystopian novels I have read. It was a bit of a dark concept, but at the same time it was wholesome and good. It reflects plenty on a religious aspect and idea." 
-- Tiffany Hester [full review]

"Remnants: Season of Wonder had tons of adventure and excitement expertly woven into a creative fantasy/dystopian plotline that will keep you rifling through the pages to find out what happens next." 
-- J.L. Hartz [full review]

"I have to admit that Remnants: Seasons of Wonder is far from my usual genre. Because I love the author’s work, I knew I had to give it try...Well, let me tell you – This Book Is SO Good! I am so glad I went outside my comfort zone and read it." 
-- Amy C. [full review] 

Have you ever wondered why the bride and groom exchange rings on their wedding day?

The bride and groom exchange rings as a symbolic representation of their promise to be faithful to each other and each other alone. The circular shape of the ring further signifies eternity, and that these two are promised to each other "til death do they part." The wearing of the ring serves as a constant reminder of their commitment. :-)

Do you have a favorite ring?

What about you? Do you have a favorite ring? It can be your mother's wedding ring, the ring worn by a favorite fictional character or even just a ring you stumbled across in a picture and fell in love with!

What would make/does make your ring special?