And here is a pic of the type of bookmark that is the prize. You get to choose the main color of the beads.
Same as last time: put your guess in the comments.
- The first instrument I learned to play was the accordian.
- I lived in 6 different states by the time I was in the 3rd grade.
- I can swallow my tongue (yes and keep breathing at the same time). Really want to be on Letterman's "Stupid Human Tricks."
- In 5th grade I wrote, illustrated and sold a comic book to my fellow 4tudents.
- I swam competitively until switching to football and got a college scholarship to play football at a div 1 school.
- I married my highschool sweetheart. We both attended the same church from gradeschool up and lived 1 mile from each other.
This time, I really do think it's Eric Reinhold.
I'll say Christopher Hopper again. lol.
Christopher Hopper.
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