Eric Reinhold
The first instrument I learned to play was the accordian. My folks enjoyed Lawrence Welk (yeah, who's he? Ask your parents), so I ended up in a class of 15 other kids playing my ruby red and white accordian.
- I lived in 6 different states by the time I was in the 3rd grade. I was born in Michigan, moved to Rochester, NY one year later, then off to Dallas, TX two years after that, then Champaign, I'll three years later, next was San Bernadino, CA 9 months after that (my dad took a job with Campus Crusade for Christ), then 10 months later they transferred us to Miami, FL.
- I can swallow my tongue (yes and keep breathing at the same time). Really want to be on Letterman's "Stupid Human Tricks." I found out I could swallow my tongue in 8th grade. I've never run across someone else who can do it. Once, when sitting in a dentist chair, I swallowed it and rolled my eyes back in my head. The dental hygenist screamed and went running out of the room (she thought I was having a seizure). She came back with the dentist and I was sitting up smiling (I have a mischievious streak).
- In 5th grade I wrote, illustrated and sold a comic book to my fellow students.
- I swam competitively until switching to football and got a college scholarship to play football at a div 1 school. I was recruited to play defensive end for the Navy football team back in 1983. David Robinson was playing basketball for the Naval Academy while I was there. I ate all the time to try and gain weight, but could never get over 225 lbs. I wish I could eat like that now and not gain weight!
- I married my highschool sweetheart. We both attended the same church from gradeschool up and lived 1 mile from each other.

Congrats!! Oh, I'll get it this time! (*crosses fingers*)
Wow! I actually won! I never win anything.
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