Sunday, August 3, 2008

Who's on First?

Actually this would be more "Who's on the Fantasy Fiction Tour?"
Your hints for today are

Who dressed . . .
  1. like a boxer
  2. in a lampshade
  3. in top hat and tails
  4. in a toga
  5. in a Star Trek uniform
  6. and like a super hero.

I'll announce the winner on Wednesday. The prize is a beaded dragon bookmark in the color of your choice. Leave your guess in the comments. Come back to see if you won. And I'll get your email address from you then.


Anonymous said...

My guess is Sharon Hinck. My name is Noah.

Anonymous said...

I'm saying Eric Reinold. I know he dressed like a superhero, but I'm not sure about those other things...

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry, I think I spelled his name wrong. Eric Reinhold (with an "h"....oops).

Dona Watson said...

I'll have to go with Eric Reinhold as well since I saw his superhero costume. Thanks!

Nisly_Family said...

It's not too late for me to guess, is it? I surfed a bunch, and by process of elimination, I'm going with Eric Reinhold too.

Rebecca LuElla Miller said...

I'm going with Wayne Batson. I don't know any of the authors to have one any of these things, but it sounds like Wayne. LOL Plus he seems uninhibited enough to have done them all! ;-)
